Greater Flexibility

Financing offers you the freedom to manage your finances more effectively. Instead of depleting your savings or disrupting your monthly budget, you can keep your money in your account and make small, manageable monthly payments. This approach is especially beneficial when you’re waiting for a tax return or anticipating another form of income, providing peace of mind and financial breathing room.

Get All the Work Done at Once

With financing, there’s no need to delay parts of your project or stagger improvements over time. You can have the entire project completed promptly, ensuring a seamless and efficient process. This means fewer disruptions to your daily life and the ability to enjoy the full benefits of the completed work sooner. Plus, it frees you up to focus on your next goals or adventures without unfinished tasks lingering in the background.

Increased Credit Score

Making on-time payments on your financing agreement does more than keep you on track—it can positively impact your credit score. By maintaining a history of timely payments, you can build or improve your credit profile, which may open doors to better financial opportunities in the future, such as lower interest rates on loans or improved terms for future credit needs.

By applying from our site, one of these default plans will appear. They are simply placeholders until you decide on the final financing option that fits your needs

  • 9.99% for 97 months with a low monthly payment

  • 12 months with payment deferred interest. Pay it quickly with no interest.

Explore what works best for you by speaking to your tech or office team member